14 june 2022
1 min

China and Turkey are investing in agricultural projects in Kazakhstan

China and Turkey are investing in agricultural projects in Kazakhstan

Local and foreign investors will open 12 new agricultural projects in Kyzylorda region. These include the production of tomato paste, dairy products, fodder and meat, reports World of NAN, referring to LS.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the facilities will be launched between 2022 and 2025. The investors are companies from Kazakhstan, Turkey and China. Total investments will amount to 58.7 billion tenge.

As reported, seven projects are under construction. By the end of 2022, poultry meat production for 5.2 billion tenge may be commissioned. Capacity - 3.5 thousand tons per year. And they will open a beef production facility for 953 million tenge. This facility will produce 5 thousand tons of products a year.

This year they are planning to establish fish, crustaceans and mollusks processing and canning facility for 600 million tenge. Besides, the region will implement a tomato farming project for 1.2 billion tenge.

Next year two dairy projects for 5 billion tenge are expected to start operating. Capacity of the facilities will be 8.4 thousand tons and 3.5 thousand tons of milk and cream a year. An investor from China in 2024 will help establish a dairy whey plant with production capacity of 7,000 tonnes a year. The cost - 2.5 billion tenge.

In addition, the region with an investor from Turkey will begin production of fruit and vegetable products for 1.52 billion tenge. Capacity - 6 thousand tons a year.

And in 2024 in the Kyzylorda region intend to start two production facilities for tomato products for 35.4 billion tenge. At the moment the documents are being prepared. According to the information, there is an intention to open the production of tomato paste for 22.4 billion tenge. Also the Turkish investor will help to establish a similar facility for 13 billion tenge.

Two more agro-projects may be realized in 2025. According to the information, the region will set up processing and storage of fruits and vegetables. The cost - 2 billion tenge. And launch a project to grow fodder crops and their seeds, capacity - 120 thousand tons per year.


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