13 june 2022
7 min

Plants of Kazakhstan

Plants of Kazakhstan

As a possessor of vast natural and mineral resources, Kazakhstan is one of the world's leaders in the reserves, extraction and processing of its raw material treasures.  The backbone of Kazakhstan's raw material economy is oil production, mining and manufacturing, reports World of NAN.

The agricultural and construction sectors are also hugely important, contributing actively to the country's GDP growth.

How many factories are there in Kazakhstan?

According to the Institute of Market and Sociological Research Elim, the country has about 477,204 different organizations, plants and enterprises involved in the extraction of raw materials, processing of materials and energy, manufacturing, mechanical engineering, as well as construction, agriculture, chemical industry and much more.

This list includes major factories in Kazakhstan, which are the flagships of their industries and have a major impact on the country's economy.

Types of plants in Kazakhstan

All existing enterprises and factories in Kazakhstan are divided by industry and aim to diversify and comprehensively develop the country's economy.

Light industry includes plants and enterprises producing woven and nonwoven materials, tanneries, footwear, knitwear and garment factories.

Machinery - engineering plants of the country mainly produce: oil and gas, agricultural and mining equipment. Also the industry produces electrical equipment, large railway equipment and cars.

Production of building materials - the enterprises of the industry

produce: cement, roofing materials, radiators, facing tiles and much more. For example, Kazakhstan cement plants produce more than 20 types of cement, covering the needs of construction sector of the country.

Kazakhstan's chemical industry is the most important sector of the country's economy and produces products for such industries as agrochemistry (fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides); basic chemistry (caustic soda, chrome compounds, explosives); construction chemistry (varnishes, paints, construction mixes, solvents); oil and gas chemistry (flexible packaging, polypropylene, lubricants); consumer chemistry (soaps, powder, reagents, disinfectants).

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy are the leading branches of the Republic's economy, which are engaged in production of a whole range of products, including about 25 types of rare, non-ferrous, disseminated and noble metals.

The largest plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan are

Oil Refineries: Atyrau Oil Refinery (KazMunaiGas), Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant (KazMunaiGas) and Shymkent Oil Refinery (PetroKazakhstan)

Metallurgical plants and mining and smelting facilities: Karaganda Metallurgical Plant (ArcelorMittal Temirtau), Mining and Metallurgical Concern Kazakhaltyn, Balkhash Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant

Machine-building plants: JSC Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant, JSC Kazneftegazmash, JSC Kirov Plant, JSC Pavlodar Heavy Engineering Plant, JSC SEMAZ Machine-Building Plant, JSC Agromash Holding

Chemical plants: Aktobe Chromium Compounds Plant, Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC, Kazphosphate LLP, KazAzot LLP, Kaustik JSC, Temirtau Electrometallurgical Plant JSC, Irtysh Rare Earth Company LLP, Neftekhim LTD Company

Pharmaceutical plants: JSC Khimpharm (Santo), Nobel Almaty Pharmaceutical Factory, Kelun - Kazpharm Pharmaceutical Plant and others.

They also include enterprises producing foodstuffs - sugar factories, dairy factories, flour and cereals factories, liquor factories, garbage processing factories and others, factories producing materials for the construction sector.


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