03 december 2019

Aldazhumanov Kaydar Seisembayevich – the Candidate of historical sciences, the chief researcher of Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov

Aldazhumanov Kaidar Seisembayevich – the Candidate of historical sciences, the chief researcher of Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov talks about the years of collectivization in Kazakhstan. In the history of Kazakhstan, the tragedy of the 30s occupies the special place since it was the mass famine in the 1930-1936s in Kazakhstan. Kaidar Seisembaevich was a member of the commission determine the causes of the famine and the mass political repressions in Kazakhstan in the 1930-era. What are the circumstances and difficulties encountered in the study of history? What facts were uncovered?

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