02 may 2022
3 min
Author: Yerlan Tokabayev

Isn't it cool to be a farmer?

Isn't it cool to be a farmer?

The agro-industrial sector of Kazakhstan has never experienced such a staff shortage. Today, even rural youth do not associate their future with agriculture. It seems that the industry is not attractive to students. How can we make the image of the farmer cool? World of NAN journalist will try to answer this and other questions.

"Living in the countryside isn't cool, and working as a farmer sucks." Rural guys often face this kind of discrimination. And why is that? City-born people just don't realize who they owe their bread on their table. It can be blamed on the role of upbringing and other things. But since when is it not prestigious to work as a farmer? Unfortunately, our "smart politicians" do not ask this question. And the problem grows together with the needs of the population in food.

The very first thing that does not attract young people to the agricultural profession is the life in the countryside. In recent years, the rural exodus has been growing by leaps and bounds, and it is understandable. Who would want to live where there are no doctors, no hospital, no light, no water, no school, and no Internet? No one. That's why everyone is running away. At the same time, the akimats want to put the responsibility for improving living standards in the villages onto peasant farms. The question is, then why do we need akimats? It is not clear yet. If we look globally, there are government programs for the development of the villages, and, according to officials, they allocate a lot of money. But so far, we don't see any results, and people keep fleeing the villages.

The second factor is low wages. Remuneration of labor is a sore point for all of Kazakhstan. If state agencies are taking into consideration the inflation growth, then private companies are keeping their rates on the minimum, sticking to the principle - where else you will find job. Integrity is an unfashionable phenomenon now, but here it is a matter of luck. As for employment, the agricultural sector today is experiencing personnel shortages, so there should be no problems with it. The only disadvantage - jobs are not always available where you live.

The third factor is a low image of an agricultural worker. What do children dream of becoming today? Lawyer, blogger, businessman, actor, pilot, i.e. any successful and media profession is chosen. And what is the image of the farmer? Not so bright and attractive anymore, right? Because today in the media space there is a certain information vacuum around the image and role of the agricultural worker.

To increase the interest of young people of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to improve the image of agriculture as a whole. Today, no one thinks, whose labor is the reason they have food on the table. This has become commonplace; no one talks about it, but it is necessary! It is necessary to constantly raise public awareness of the role of agriculture in everyday life. And it is necessary to intervene at the level of government programs, conducting social advertising and propaganda. Farmers also need to be active. The Internet gives everyone the opportunity to talk about their craft. If a farmer himself tells a fascinating story about life in the countryside, the opportunities offered by crop or livestock production, the audience is sure to find those who will be "hooked". Let each farmer contribute to the formation of the image of the farmer as a successful agribusinessman. Perhaps you, as a successful farmer, can inspire the younger generation and give them the right direction. It's time to prove that being a "collective farmer" means feeding your country!


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