
More than 5,000 farmers received loans from the Fund for Financial Support

More than 5,000 farmers received loans from the Fund for Financial Support

More than 5,115 entrepreneurs have received soft loans from the Found for Financial Support of Agriculture, World of NAN reports citing the press service of the foundation.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture often face the problem of financing. Some of them can afford a loan, but most banks only give money on the security of real estate. If there is none, the beginner agrarians find themselves up against an insurmountable wall.

In such cases, farmers can be helped by the fund of financial support, which is the operator for guaranteeing loans issued by microfinance organizations and credit partnerships to participants in the program "Enbek". If an entrepreneur does not have enough collateral to obtain a loan from an MFO or a CP, the fund provides a guarantee of up to 95% of the funding amount.

According to the Fund in the first half of this year 2021 issued 63 guarantees for microcredit, CPs worth 200 million tenge. And the crediting on behalf of the Fund of Agriculture in the first half of the year 2021 amounted to 30.9 billion tenge, 5115 thousand entrepreneurs used preferential loans.

According to preliminary data by July 1, 2021 the number of active borrowers of the fund - more than 50 thousand people, the volume of the loan portfolio - 195,5 billion tenge.

2,8 thousand micro loans to the amount of 13,5 billion tenge were given from the funds of the program "Enbek", another 1,7 thousand micro loans to the amount of 7,2 billion tenge from previously granted and paid back funds under this program.

The Fund noted that entrepreneurs are more likely to use credit in livestock. Thus for six months of 2021 the fund financed 1.7 thousand projects for purchase of cattle breeding stock in the amount of 7.5 billion tenge, 25.5 thousand heads purchased. 2,6 billion tenge is allocated for realization of 600 projects on purchase of cattle, 56,3 thousand animals were bought. For the purchase of horses for 1.4 thousand borrowers allocated 7.4 billion tenge, purchased 21.3 thousand heads of horses. In addition, projects on breeding camels, goats, poultry, rabbits and others were financed.

The Fund plans to give out 64 billion tenge as micro loans this year, including 43 billion tenge from the Enbek program and 21 billion tenge from other sources.

In order to become a member of the credit program, you need to apply to the branches of the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture, operating in the regional centers and the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent and Semey.

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