
Kazakhstan wheat rose in price by only 20% for the year

Kazakhstan wheat rose in price by only 20% for the year

At the end of 2021, the sown area of wheat in Kazakhstan amounted to 12.9 million hectares, up 6.2% compared to 2020. However, the gross yield of wheat in 2021 decreased by 17.1%, to 11.8 million tons, according to World of NAN, citing the monitoring agency

Reducing the gross yield is one of the reasons for the enormous jump in the volume of imports of wheat and meslin in Kazakhstan. As such, for 2021, the country has imported 1.2 million tons of products (plus 65.5% for the year) for 182.9 million USD (plus 97.4%, that is almost twice as much). In January this year, Kazakhstan has already imported 175.4 thousand tons of wheat and meslin (annual growth - 5.6 times) for $ 39.2 million (growth - 14.3 times for the year).

As for exports in the sector, they also increased despite a decline in gross yield: for 2021, by 10.3%, to 5.8 million tons (and $1.4 billion).

Wheat and meslin export prices are up 19% year-over-year for January of this year. In particular, prices of exports to the CIS countries rose by 21.8%, while to the rest of the world - by 10.8%. According to the results of March, there was no sharp increase in the price of wheat: plus 1.5% for the month so far. However, for the year the index increased by a very tangible 20.1%.

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