
Flies are a direct source of mastitis in cows 

Flies are a direct source of mastitis in cows 

New genetic sequence studies show that flies carry pathogenic bacteria that cause mastitis in cows, World of NAN reports.

Mastitis in dairy cows not only reduces productivity, but is also a serious health problem in cattle, leading to culling of cattle.

Adult fire flies are bloodsuckers and can regurgitate bacteria while feeding, which can pose a direct threat to cattle. And non-biting fly species, may be more likely to carry certain bacterial pathogens because they feed on manure.

Experts recommend preventing fly population growth by controlling and eliminating flies early in life, as this is easier than controlling established populations.

Flies breed on wet organic matter such as wet bedding, manure and spoilt or scattered feed. For this reason, the first step in fly prevention and control should be to keep all areas free of this type of organic matter.

The fly development cycle from egg to larva to adult is approximately three weeks. Manure and dirty bedding should be removed from the barn as far as possible. Composting and turning or loosening of the compost heap should be done weekly and preventing the formation of crusts on the surface of the liquid manure will eliminate fly breeding sites.

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