As of October, 24 report of the International Grain Council (IGC) on the forecast of grain production in Kazakhstan for 2019-2020 remained unchanged. The harvest was 2.4 million tons more in 2018-2019. 19.3 million tons were harvested in the previous year.
According to October data, the initial reserves of grain crops in the country this year are equal to 2.3 million tons. It was higher by 0.9 million tons a year earlier. In a previous report, analysts gave a similar estimate for primary reserves.
In September, IGC experts predicted grain imports of 0.1 million tons. It is increase to 1.1 million tons under the review period. A season earlier, the volume of purchases amounted to only 0.2 million tons.
Grain exports for 2019-20 are projected at 8.1 million tons in the October IGC report. 2.5 million tons of grain exported abroad in the previous season. Meanwhile, the September expert assessment was lower the current expectations by 0.5 million tons.
The final grain reserves in 2019-20, according to the latest data, may be reduced to 2.3 million tons. In September, the forecast was less by 0.5 million tons. In the past carry-over stocks were in line with this season's assesment.
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