
Record harvest is expected in Kyrgyzstan

Record harvest is expected in Kyrgyzstan

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan Samat Nasirdinov said that a significant increase in harvest is expected in all areas of agriculture, World of NAN reports with reference to

Agricultural production in the neighbouring country has grown by 3.3% since the beginning of 2024 compared to 2023. Including livestock production grew by 2.2% and crop production by 6%.

‘Seasonality plays an important role in the formation of product prices. Despite the presence of certain factors, prices are not expected to rise. On the contrary, they are expected to decrease for agricultural products due to the record harvest,’ Samat Nasirdinov added.

The year 2024 is characterised by good water and favourable conditions for farmers in Kyrgyzstan. Last year was worse, with 1.6m tonnes of grain harvested, 13% less than in 2022. Due to abnormally high temperatures last summer, the gross harvest of wheat decreased by 25.7% and barley by 29.2%.

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