In realization of the decree of the head of state, the government approved the concept of rural development for 2023-2027. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, reports World of NAN referring to the Government.
The main emphasis in the document is made on a comprehensive modernization of 3.5 thousand rural settlements (RS) with a high potential for development, which is home to about 90% of the villagers of the country, within the project "Auyl - El Besigi". Such settlements will become new points of economic growth through the creation of favorable conditions for work and residence of people.
One of the main goals will be to create a comfortable rural environment through the development of social, engineering and transport infrastructure. This involves the construction of new schools and medical facilities, uninterrupted water and electricity supplies, broadband Internet access and satellite communications, improving the quality of intra-village roads, the construction of cultural facilities - libraries, clubs, museums and cinemas, sports facilities, opening of service centers, etc.
To intensify housing construction work will be continued to bring utilities to new land plots. At the same time, the costs of employers who have built houses for their employees in rural areas will be subsidized in the amount of 50% of the cost of the commissioned house with an area not exceeding 100 square meters.
The Concept also provides for systematic measures to improve soil fertility, enhance control over the rational use of agricultural land, the introduction of new irrigated areas, reconstruction of existing and construction of new reservoirs, increasing yields, crop diversification, etc.
As for increasing incomes of villagers, this issue is planned to be solved by intensifying agro-industrial production, developing entrepreneurship and agricultural cooperation. Thus, unification of small farms and organization of agricultural cooperatives will allow farmers to reduce costs for seeds, fertilizers, fuel and lubricants, feed, agricultural and veterinary services, increase the volume of production through joint use of land, agricultural machinery, irrigation and drainage systems, and have stable sales of goods produced without intermediaries.
In general, this approach will contribute to the development of the business environment and the formation of market, transport and logistics infrastructure in rural areas. In addition, due to the expansion of activities, new jobs will appear and the outflow of young personnel will be reduced.
One of the tools will be the "Auyl Amanaty" project, which will provide soft loans for small households at an annual rate of 2.5%, formation of service and marketing cooperatives, leasing of machinery, equipment, etc. It is also planned to support import-substituting investment projects on the main types of food products in the countryside. In particular, the experience of North Kazakhstan region in financing investment projects in the agro-industrial complex will be scaled.
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