
In 2025, all government services in the agricultural sector will be accessible from a smartphone

In 2025, all government services in the agricultural sector will be accessible from a smartphone

In the field of digitalization, the Ministry of Agriculture has set a goal of one hundred percent accessibility of public services to citizens from a smartphone by 2025, World of NAN reports referring the press service of the agency.

According to the MoA, together with the Center for Digital Transformation re-engineering of the problematic public services is being carried out and system solutions are being developed. The work is aimed at updating the regulatory framework and technical revision of the identified errors in the provision of public services.

In general, 57 out of 61 public services are provided in electronic format, 4 - in paper format. The agency itself provides 19 services (veterinary control, plant quarantine and livestock).

According to the assessment of Civil Service Agency of RK on "Quality of public services", which is also reported for the previous year, the performance of agriculture department in 2020 was 54.98 points. 76% of respondents are satisfied with the services of the Ministry.

In order to increase the growth of users the base of agricultural, phytosanitary and veterinary services was updated technically, which significantly simplified the provision of public services.

The Ministry has drawn up a work plan taking into account the voiced points. In addition, in order to minimize corruption risks and eliminate the human factor at all levels of decision-making the agency will conduct an audit of public services to mitigate the demand for interim certificates by service providers taking into account the interagency integration of information systems.

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