
Sowing works have been completed in Kazakhstan

Sowing works have been completed in Kazakhstan

The sowing works have been fully completed in Kazakhstan by June 9. This was reported in the Ministry of Agriculture.

The area of spring crops sowing this year amounted to 19 147.1 thousand hectares. In 2019, as of this date, 18,555.2 thousand hectares (99.4% of all sown area) were sown.

In 2020 grain and leguminous crops were sown on the area of 14 812 thousand ha, oilseeds - 3030 thousand ha, vegetable and potatoes - 463.7 thousand ha, perennial grasses - 692.9 thousand ha, cotton - 127.4 thousand ha, sugar beet - 20.5 thousand ha.

In addition, corn sowing for grain took 158.8 thousand hectares, rice - 102.9 thousand hectares.

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