
The harvesting of potatoes and vegetables completed in the East Kazakhstan region

The harvesting of potatoes and vegetables completed in the East Kazakhstan region

Potato fields emptied in the East Kazakhstan region. This year, the yield of potatoes, according to the correspondent in the Department of Agriculture, amounted to 224 kg/ha, which in 2018 was 216 kg/ha.

Gross output of potatoes also slightly higher than it was last year: 425 000 tons against 423 000 tons. At the same time, the areas slightly decreased.

The yield of vegetable hectare remained almost at the level of 2018, amounting to 277 centners. Gross output less for 222 000 tons than almost 245 000 tons of the last year. The area under the vegetables reduced. It was about 9 000 hectares, 8 000 hectares left.

Only area under melons was grown. This year it amounted to about 6 000 ha, an increase of almost 2 000 ha.

The plan for the collection of vegetables, potatoes and melons, as noted in the department, is 100% completed.

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