22 january 2022
1 min

Red yeast improves the health of laying hens

Red yeast improves the health of laying hens

A group of researchers from the University of Thailand's Faculty of Animal Science and Technology has found an effective nutritional supplement for laying hens. They wrote an article about it, published in the journal Animals 2022, reports World of NAN.

In the study, scientists studied the effects of different concentrations of red yeast (red algae) added to the diet of laying hens as a substitute for antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to measure the growth rate, egg quality and small intestinal health of chickens receiving this supplement at different levels at 22-60 weeks of age.

Thus, as a result of experiments, scientists proved that the addition of red yeast (Sporidiobolus pararoseus) to the diet of laying hens has a positive effect on feed efficiency, improves yolk color and reduces cholesterol levels in serum and egg yolk and increases the height of duodenal villi.

Given the importance of intestinal structure and function in poultry, increased villous height is associated with increased absorptive surface and intestinal capacity. In addition, a lower ratio of villus height to crypt depth indicates a lower ability of chickens to digest and absorb nutrients.

The red yeast supplemented diet improved the ratio of villus height to intestinal crypt depth and crypt cell proliferation. Thus, the addition of 2.0 g/kg of red yeast can replace antibiotics in the diets of laying hens.


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