
Anarchy reigns in the capital's veterinary system

Anarchy reigns in the capital's veterinary system

The capital's prosecutor's office has conducted inspections on the observance of veterinary legislation, which revealed numerous violations, World of NAN reports with reference to the agency.

For example, uncontrolled entities selling livestock products, improper transport of meat, failure to implement planned veterinary measures for dangerous infectious diseases, as well as violations in veterinary laboratories located at domestic trade facilities were revealed.

There are more than one hundred uncontrolled entities across the city that sell livestock products that have not passed veterinary and sanitary control.

All laboratories have been found to be in violation of veterinary and sanitary conditions, and some laboratories were operating without a veterinary and sanitary certificate.

According to the acts of prosecutor's supervision the guilty persons were brought to administrative responsibility, the official of the state enterprise - to disciplinary responsibility.

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