
Prices for grain and oilseeds in Kazakhstan and at export crossings

Prices for grain and oilseeds in Kazakhstan and at export crossings

Grain prices in the country and export crossings as of November 8, 2019 are as follows:

The market price per ton of wheat 23 gluten was fixed at 80 thousand tenge with VAT. An average of 84 thousand tenge with VAT per ton sells 25-26 gluten.

28 gluten – 87 thousand tenge with VAT, 30 gluten – 88 thousand tenge with VAT.

And the 21 gluten is sold for 73 thousand tenge on average with VAT. The price of the fifth class is 60 thousand tenge per ton with VAT.

Premium wheat costs 104 thousand tenge with VAT, and a durum of average quality is sold at 80 thousand tenge with VAT.

Also, the price of low quality durum wheat is 55-60 thousand tenge with VAT.

The 2019-2020 trading season started for Kazakhstan oilseeds, on the one hand, quite confidently. According to the results of September, compared with 2018, shipments increased by more than 19%. But we note that this increase was largely due to one culture.

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