
The European Union will close the market for agricultural products from Russia and Belarus

The European Union will close the market for agricultural products from Russia and Belarus

From July 1, the Council of the European Union will introduce duties on imports of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus in the amount of 95 euros per ton or up to 50% of the cost, World of NAN reports.

Restrictions include grains and oilseeds (wheat, corn, sunflower), processed products, and feed products. These products will also be denied access to EU tariff quotas.

The European Union believes that agricultural products from Russia will lead to disruption of the market. Thus, the authorities want to protect local producers. About 4 million tons of grains and oilseeds enter the European Union market from Russia.

The neighboring country plans to redirect exports to the markets of the Middle East and Africa. It is not known whether the products will go to the traditional markets of Kazakhstan. However, we should not expect our authorities to protect the domestic market.

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