
Farmers ask to return the system of guarantees for obtaining loans

Farmers ask to return the system of guarantees for obtaining loans

Farmers in West Kazakhstan region have pointed out shortcomings in the crediting system, reports World of NAN with reference to NCE.

In particular, farmers pointed to the lack of a mechanism for providing guarantees to borrowers doing business in rural areas. Earlier, the KazAgroGarant organization acted as a guarantor to the second-tier banks in the interests of district entrepreneurs, but with the termination of its activities, rural agrarians experienced difficulties with lending. Therefore, they asked for the return of this system.

Among other requests was the withdrawal of subsidies. This refers to the provision under the "Agribusiness" program, when providing a loan at 22%, 16% of which is subsidized by the state.

"Subsidies are given with a big delay and borrowers have to pay the full rate, and this leads to a cash gap. It is better to refuse subsidies, setting the loan at 6%," asked Zholdas Baikatov, head of the farm "Onim".

Criticism also touched on the work of SEC "AQJAIYQ, which allows violation of the terms of consideration of applications, as a result of which entrepreneurs receive subsidies with a long delay. In addition, SEC significantly underestimates the valuation of pledged property.

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