
What plans does the Ministry of Agriculture have for the future?

What plans does the Ministry of Agriculture have for the future?

Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov shared his plans for the development of agriculture during a briefing, reports World of NAN.

In crop production, the ministry plans to diversify sown areas. Thus, by 2028 it is planned to reduce the area of cereals by 855 thousand hectares. Also by this year it plans to increase buckwheat sowing by 50 thousand hectares, oilseeds will be brought to 3.7 million hectares.

"In addition, the country needs a solid fodder base for this purpose it is envisaged to increase the area of fodder crops by 500 thousand hectares within five years," the Minister added.

In livestock breeding, the plans are no fewer. By 2027, the ministry plans to stop importing poultry meat. Thus, they want to introduce 27 projects in meat poultry farming in three years.

"To increase GDP we need to increase the number of farm animals, including breeding stock. The number of bovine cattle by 2029 should be increased to 11 million heads, while the number of small cattle should be increased to 30 million heads. To improve livestock productivity, we need to continue breed transformation. At the same time, within the framework of the roadmap, the share of breed stock covered by breed transformation is planned to be increased from 31 to 55%," Saparov concluded.

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