
KazAgroFinance launches leasing of agricultural machinery without advance payment

KazAgroFinance launches leasing of agricultural machinery without advance payment

The new financing terms provide for the possibility of purchasing agricultural, special equipment, as well as vehicles for transportation of agricultural products without making a down payment, reports World of NAN with reference to JSC.

The year 2023 was not an easy year for farmers. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, crops were of poor quality, which significantly reduced income from the sale of produce.

"Many agricultural producers found themselves in a difficult financial situation, facing difficulties in making initial lease payments. In this regard, we have developed a new program that provides an opportunity to purchase the necessary equipment without diverting funds for advance payment," - shared the Chairman of the Board of KazAgroFinance JSC Aidar Prashev.

Leasing terms: advance payment - from 0%; interest rate - 22.75% (6% including subsidies); leasing term - up to 10 years; financing limit - up to 370 million tenge.

Within the framework of the program equipment of Kazakhstan and foreign production is leased. For more information on the new leasing program and financing conditions, please contact the regional branches of KazAgroFinance JSC.

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