
Agriculture Ministry changes rules of investment subsidies

Agriculture Ministry changes rules of investment subsidies

The Ministry of Agriculture plans to change the rules of investment subsidy payments so that they go directly to financial institutions, World of NAN reports with reference to the Ministry of Agriculture.

This is done in order to reduce corruption risks and facilitate access of agribusiness entities to machinery and equipment. Such a measure will help farmers to improve their financial situation by reducing debts on loans or leasing.

Also, within the framework of realization of tasks on ensuring interconnection of the policy in agriculture support with the industrial policy of the state, the positions within the passport of the project No. 1 "Acquisition of agricultural machinery and equipment" have been revised.

In addition, bioethanol production has been added to the project for the establishment of enterprises for deep processing of crop products. At the same time, the order provides for reimbursement of part of the costs for the creation of gluten-free production. Establishment of production of domestic gluten-free products through the use of own raw materials will allow to satisfy consumer demand for gluten-free products of celiac disease sufferers in Kazakhstan and significantly reduce the share of imports of these products.

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