
Cotton is sown again on the flooded fields of Turkestan

Cotton is sown again on the flooded fields of Turkestan

In Maktaaral district of Turkestan region works on restoration of the flooded sowing areas and cotton sowing have begun. Machinery from Uzbekistan has been delivered to the region to carry out the work. This was reported by the Regional Communications Service.

In Maktaaral district 40 units of special equipment and 243.6 tons of raw cotton from Zhyzak and Syrdarya regions of Uzbekistan were delivered. Local residents began sowing.

In particular, the Zhamankul farm in Karakyr village cotton was sown on an area of 7 hectares using Uzbekistan machinery.

"With the help of Uzbekistan technology, I sowed cotton on 7 hectares of previously flooded area. In addition to the machinery, the neighbouring republic gives us gasoline and raw cotton seeds for free. This is certainly a great help for us," said Zhamankul farm representative Zhandos Saparkhan.

A total of 7,500 hectares of Maktaaral District's cultivated area was affected by the flood. Of this area, 5035 hectares belong to Zhanazhol rural district. Most of the Uzbek equipment was sent to this area. The equipment was also allocated for processing of 113.31 hectares of sown areas in Zhana Turmys and Zhantaksai of Enbekshi rural district. At the same time, in Karakir village of Nurlybayev rural district on the area of 61.8 ha cotton seeds are sown.

"The demand for the equipment, arrived from the neighboring country, grows every day, since by the end of May cotton sowing has to be finished. Therefore, the farmers work daily in their fields, restoring the sown areas. In a day 100 hectares of cotton have been sown", - the expert of department of agriculture of the Maktaaralsky area Zharkynbek Myrzaliyev informed.

To recall, in early May, a dam breached in Uzbekistan and flooded border villages in Kazakhstan. In addition to houses, agricultural land with a total area of 7,639 hectares, most of which was sown with cotton, has been damaged in Maktaaral district. A total of 297 cattle were killed. The damage caused to the agrarians was estimated at 4 billion 1 million tenge.


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