
Kazakhstan was ranked first in the world ranking for flax production

Kazakhstan was ranked first in the world ranking for flax production

Kazakhstan brought the total volume of flax to 930 thousand tons and ahead of Russia and Canada. It was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Last year, workers earned from flax to 72 million dollars. Belgium and Poland acquired more than half of them (more than $ 44 million). Experts say that in the future, exports of flaxseed products will be even greater, because, now interest in these products has appeared from the People’s Republic of China. In this regard, a total of 25 Kazakhstani enterprises are included in the register of enterprises of the Main Customs Administration of the Republic of China.

It is worth noting that this year Kazakhstan achieved record highs in the export of flax crops in Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy.

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