
Modern wheat varieties are not ready for climate change

Modern wheat varieties are not ready for climate change

CIMMYT scientists have analysed modern wheat varieties for their performance in the face of climate change towards higher temperatures, reports World of NAN citing

The researchers simulated five scenarios that could play out over the next 70+ years. 3,652 breeding line records from six global nurseries were used.

The results showed that less than 30 per cent of wheat varieties adapted well to the warming already seen over the past 10 years. They also found a clear link between rising temperatures and decreased variety stability.

The reason for this is that the climate has been unusually stable over the past 10,000 years and modern domesticated wheat has not been subjected to dramatic fluctuations.

Therefore, faced with increased climate variability, breeders need to rethink their breeding strategies to integrate genetic diversity that provides resilience to climate change without compromising productivity.

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