
Acceptance of applications for crop insurance against excess moisture in the soil has started

Acceptance of applications for crop insurance against excess moisture in the soil has started

Acceptance of applications for insurance of crops against excess moisture in the soil during the 2024 growing season has started, World of NAN reports with reference to ACC.

This year, the index insurance product for excess soil moisture has been amended in terms of the insurance tariff and insurance payment, as well as protection phases. The product tariff is 3% of the sum insured.

The insurance protection period for the first phase lasts from August 15 to September 14, for the second phase - from September 15 to October 14, 2024. The payout for each phase is 10.5% of the sum insured and the maximum payout is 21% of the sum insured.

The deadline for receipt of applications for crop insurance against excess soil moisture (2nd phase) is June 30 of the current year. The application for insurance can be submitted in the online insurance information system Agroinsurance, posted on the platform

In the personal account of the online insurance system, the farmer needs to specify his fields, identify the company, conclude an insurance contract, pay part of the insurance premium in the amount of 20% of the amount, and the remaining 80% of the insurance premium will be paid by ACC in the form of subsidies at the request of the insurer.

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