The RK Ministry of Agriculture and the U.S. authorized body held a teleconference to discuss possible cooperation on biological safety issues in livestock farming.
The U.S. side proposed cooperation in the framework of the "Biological Threat Reduction Program", which provides training for veterinary specialists to improve detection and diagnosis of dangerous diseases.
The issues discussed included training veterinary specialists and animal breeders, developing veterinary training programs and professional licensing systems, conducting seminars on sustainable development, and updating and disseminating training materials on the detection and diagnosis of diseases caused by highly dangerous pathogens.
In addition, the authorized body of the USA is ready to assist in advanced training of Kazakhstani livestock breeders and, on the basis of tripartite cooperation with WHO/OIE/FAO, in development and institutionalization of the national structure "Single Health" for detection, diagnostics and reporting on especially dangerous pathogens.
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