
The authorities are powerless: farmers will lose 300 billion tenge

The authorities are powerless: farmers will lose 300 billion tenge

The Majilis discussed the fate of low-quality grain that was produced due to bad weather conditions, World of NAN reports.

The country has about 5.6 million tons of low-quality grain, of which about 200,000 tons can be exported. However, there are still concerns about whether China will take the grain. The authorities do not know where to put the rest of the volume.

"We have calculated that even this substandard low-grade grain at 55 thousand tenge per ton - this is about 300 billion tenge lying now on the stocks, in the warehouses of farmers. And it will be simply unusable in a month and a half or two months. And no one will return this money to the farmers. Farmers are waiting for us to tell them what the state will do. Either we have to be honest and sign our own impotence," said Serik Yegizbayev, chairman of the Agrarian Issues Committee.

Grain Union Chairman Nurlan Ospanov said farmers' losses are inevitable because Kazakhstan has few markets.

"We have China and Central Asia. We can't export further because we need to subsidize transportation costs. Without that, we will not enter these markets. Now, if we talk about whether Prodkorporatsiya and the Ministry of Agriculture can solve this year's problems on ungraded wheat and fifth class - my understanding is that it can't. We should not twist the arms of those who can't do it," Ospanov said.

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