24 march 2022
2 min

Laser planners help rice farmers increase crop yields

Laser planners help rice farmers increase crop yields

Rice farmers in the southern regions of the country are getting ready for the sowing season. Several farms of the region are looking forward to the new sowing season. They will have to test modern laser levelers in the field, the producers of which promise high accuracy, water efficiency and improved yields. World of NAN found out which manufacturers are trusted by local farmers when it comes to their fields.

The farm "Khamit", located in Zhanakorgan district, has been farming rice for many years. Farmer Saparbek Niyazbekuly says that he has been thinking about increasing productivity of fields for a long time. Especially since the water shortage is making itself known. You should not just save water, but change your approach to business, our interviewee believes.

"I took a closer look at my neighbors-farmers, as we exchange experience and are interested in technologies. I found out that many of them have started using laser planners. I saw with my own eyes the work of the Turkish machines. The owners also praised them, they say the accuracy is up to 2 mm. I started to take interest, looked at various options and compared prices. As a result, I also opted for a planner, which is sold by Hermes Agro LLP in Kazakhstan. This year we'll put it out to the field and check its accuracy. After all, on uneven fields, we lose a very large amount of water and the yield suffers," said the farmer.

In addition to rice, the farm cultivates wheat, safflower and alfalfa.  Saparbek Niyazbekuly expects the laser leveling to reduce water consumption for rice so that other crops will have enough water.   

Meanwhile, according to experts, laser leveling not only helps level the surface of the sown areas or avoid irrational use of water, but even reduces the time for watering rice. The fact is that with uneven ground it takes longer for the water to fill the hollows on the plot. Experts also claim an 8% increase in yield. In addition, the leveler helps " reach" deep groundwater, ensuring their even distribution. The use of seeds and fertilizers is reduced by 10-15%. Now imagine what can be done to increase farm efficiency with additional agro-technology and moisture-saving equipment.

Bekbenbetova farm, where they also profit from sowing rice, has also bought a laser leveler for field works. The workers are sure that the yield of the fields will increase with the new machine. In a month the new machine will start working on the farm.

According to Hermes Agro, the LTM 5.0 line of Turkish laser levelers is available in different power models. From 100 to 180 horsepower. The accuracy of the laser beam is 2 mm at a distance of up to 800 m. The machine has a hydraulic drive for folding the blade, cart and wheels when moving to the transport position.

For more information about the equipment, please contact our representatives by phone: +7 775 380 10 85.


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