
Afghanistan may stop importing flour

Afghanistan may stop importing flour

The country's processors asked the government to increase the import duty on flour and stimulate domestic processing, World of NAN reports with reference to

Recall that Kazakhstan exported two million tons of flour to Afghanistan in 2023. The Afghan market is a priority for domestic flour millers, and the closure of this market will lead to the collapse of many mills.

“Our request to the government is to increase the import duty on flour to a level that will encourage the creation of more mills and lead us to complete self-sufficiency,” said Bismillah Hamdard, the head of the Flour Millers Association in the northern region.

According to Afghan processors, only ten of the country's 200 flour mills are currently operating. If idle enterprises are resumed, they will be able to produce 5 million tons of flour.

Afghanistan's annual demand for flour reaches 6 million tons. At the same time, the country plans to increase wheat crops, and in 2024 Afghanistan could harvest 5 million tons of wheat.

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