19 november 2019
2 min

Awards for the development of virgin land

Awards for the development of virgin land

Awards to pioneer virgin landers

On March 27, 1954, a resolution was published "On the further increase in grain production in the country and on the development of virgin and fallow lands." It was with this document that the era of the development of virgin lands began. 43 million hectares of virgin and fallow lands were introduced into agricultural circulation in Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. Hundreds of thousands of yesterday's students, workers, and specialists flocked to these regions from all countries. On the virgin soil, work began in full swing. Work had to be done in the most severe conditions. Living in barracks and wagons constantly permeated by winds. Neither a proper supply of food, nor medicines. Agricultural machinery was not enough everywhere. However, despite the difficulties, fuits of labour could already be seen in the same year. In 1954, 85.5 million tons of grain were harvested in the country. It would seem that such a titanic work needs a worthy reward? Thus, for the first time they began to reward virgin landers in May 1954. The award "Za Osvoyeniye Novykh Zemelj” (For the Development of New Lands) was established by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (the “CK VLKSM”). The Badge of Honor is made in the form of a sheaf tied with a red ribbon with the inscription “CK VLKSM”, and in the center there is an image of a tractor, and at the top it says "Za Osvoyeniye Novykh Zemelj” (For the Development of New Lands). The award was presented to the most active Komsomol members, who made a great contribution to the development of virgin lands. From 1954 to 1958, more than 360 thousand young and ambitious pioneer virgin landers were awarded.

Описание: C:\Users\khabar\Desktop\статьи\ноябрь\знак влксм.png
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Medal “Za Osvoyeniye Tselinnykh Zemelj” (For the development of virgin lands)

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Two years later, they began to reward everyone who participated in the development of virgin lands. On October 20, 1956, a Decree was issued to the Presidium of the Supreme Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic on the establishment of the medal "On the development of virgin lands." Its author was an artist N.N. Filippov.

According to the author’s idea, the medal was supposed to embody the whole significance of the virgin epic. The main colors of the pads were yellow and green - the color of the field and ripe ears of wheat. The award itself was made of yellow metal. On the front side the artist depicted a self-propelled combine harvester working in the field (S-4), behind it on the horizon - an elevator ready to take a grain harvest, and at the bottom in three lines was written “For the development of virgin lands”. On the flip side: there was a sickle and a hammer with sun rays diverging from them below, and a five-pointed star was on top, a wheat ear on the left, and corn cobs on the right. In total, about 1.4 million people were awarded the medal “For the Development of Virgin Lands”. Workers on collective farms and state farms, MTS, state and party employees, cultural workers, and even were astronauts awarded with the medal. However, for special achievements, this medal could be awarded to entire republics, regions and organizations. Already in 1957, the USSR Post issued a postage stamp depicting the medal "For the development of virgin lands."

In 1956, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR established honorary titles for machine operators. In 1958, the CK VLKSM awarded with the Badge "Participant of the Virgin Lands Harvest" of the CK VLKSM. In 1979, a medal “In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the development of virgin and fallow lands” was established. More than 270 virgin landers were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Medal "Tynga 50 zhyl" (50 years of Tselina)

On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the development of virgin and fallow lands on January 20, 2004, a Decree was issued by the First President of Kazakhstan, Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, on the anticipation of the anniversary medal “Tynga 50 zhyl” - “50 years of Tselina”. The medal “Tynga 50 zhyl” is made of brass in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 34 mm. On the front side, against the backdrop of the rising sun and the grain field, harvesters are shown harvesting, and sheaves of wheat are enframing everything on the left and right. In the center, there is an inscription in the state and Russian languages - “The Republic of Kazakhstan “50 years of Tselina”. In its bottom part, laurel branches are located around the circumference. The award was presented to both residents of Kazakhstan and foreigners. For example, fifty citizens of Ukraine were awarded this medal. Each of the awarded at one time made a huge contribution to the development of virgin lands. In our country, more than 800 people have been awarded with this medal.

Описание: C:\Users\khabar\Desktop\статьи\ноябрь\50 лет целине.jpg
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